Critical Pedagogy in Stark Opposition to Western Neoliberalism and the Corporatization of Schools: A Conversation with Peter McLaren

Critical Pedagogy in Stark Opposition to Western Neoliberalism and the Corporatization of Schools: A Conversation with Peter McLaren


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In this dialogue, Professor McLaren draws on a critical pedagogy theoretical framework to critically analyze the harmful effects of capitalism on poor working-class people, including factory workers in countries such as Argentina. He points out the resilience with which these workers resisted the arbitrary decision of CEOs who closed the factory where they were working. These CEOs closed the factories when they realized they could no longer maximize their profits. As McLaren eloquently points out, these factory workers, inspired by a strong sense of collectiveness and work ethic, combined with their unshakable determination to cake their destiny in their own hands, organized and ran the factory for the equal benefit of each worker. Professor McLaren goes on to talk about the negative influence of U.S. neoliberal policy on third world countries. Along the same line, he provides a sharp critique of universities in the United States that have followed a corporate model of education to fit the logic of the capitalist system. Professor McLaren invites concerned citizens, particularly students, to use their agency to counter the corporatization and militarization of schools. Finally, in linking capitalism to other forms of oppression, such as racism, Professor McLaren maintains, "Racism often keeps White workers from recognizing that it is in their interests to unite with their Black and Brown brothers and sisters and fight their capitalist bosses."



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Rowman & Littlefield


Lanham, MD


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research


In Pierre Wilbert Orelus (Ed.), Rethinking Race, Class, Language, and Gender: A Dialogue with Noam Chomsky and Other Leading Scholars. Dr. McLaren's chapter begins on page 97.

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Rowman & Littlefield

Critical Pedagogy in Stark Opposition to Western Neoliberalism and the Corporatization of Schools: A Conversation with Peter McLaren
