A Possible Praxis
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"Rebel Literacy: Cuba's National Literacy Campaign and Critical Global Citizenship is a step-child of the Critical Pedagogy Program at St. Thomas, which ended after only four cohorts. Its author, Mark Abendroth, was a member of Cohort T wo. As a scholar-activist, Abendroth has produced a courageous and prescient volume that will impact the field of critical pedagogy for years to come. Each page of this volume will repay the reader mightily in its creative retelling of the Cuban National Literacy Campaign- undeniably among the world 's greatest educational accomplishments of the 20th century. Of course, this book is much more than a retelling, it is also a rethinking of the very meaning of literacy and critical citizenship today. And for this reason it merits the attention of educators everywhere."
Publication Date
Litwin Books
Duluth, MN
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
Recommended Citation
McLaren, Peter. (2009). A possible praxis. In M. Abenroth (Ed.), Rebel literacy: Cuba's National Literacy Campaign and critical global scholarship (vii-xix) Duluth, MN: Litwin Books.
Litwin Books
In Mark Abendroth (Ed.), Rebel Literacy: Cuba's National Literacy Campaign and Critical Global Scholarship. Dr. McLaren's chapter begins on page vii.