Apoyo Sacrificial, Sacrificial Support: How Undocumented Latinx Parents Get Their Children to College

Apoyo Sacrificial, Sacrificial Support: How Undocumented Latinx Parents Get Their Children to College


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Apoyo Sacrificial explores the experiences of undocumented Latinx parents as they support and guide their children’s pathways to higher education, and how their precarious immigration status impacts this support. In addition to analyzing the various understandings, interactions, and relationships undocumented Latinx parents develop with different education entities, including secondary schools and colleges and universities, the book also examines these in relation to the various social, political, and economic factors that shape parents’ engagement with their children’s education. Cuevas illuminates how the parents in her study engaged in supportive behaviors similar to those of middle- and upper-class families despite the barriers they faced, such as low-income households, undocumented legal status, and single parenting. Providing an alternative view of parental engagement and access to higher education, Apoyo Sacrificial will help educators truly meet the needs of marginalized students and communities.



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Teachers College Press


undocumented people, college, Latinx, immigration


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Chicana/o Studies | Educational Sociology | Ethnic Studies | Family, Life Course, and Society | Higher Education | Inequality and Stratification | Latin American Studies | Latina/o Studies | Migration Studies | Race and Ethnicity


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Teachers College Press

Apoyo Sacrificial, Sacrificial Support: How Undocumented Latinx Parents Get Their Children to College
