Gender and Education: The Revolutionary "Force and Reason" of Women
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This chapter on women’s “Revolutionary Force and Reason” considers women’s advancement in the context of a racialized and patriarchal global capitalist system. It dispels the myth that capitalism has given women greater opportunities, tracing the change in social conditions to some women’s lives to their own revolutionary struggles. Here we name the inequities among women within the U.S. and as a result of global capitalism, discussing how the increase in opportunities for middle class, predominantly White women in the U.S., comes at the detriment of BIPOC women, increasingly migrant women of the Global South, whose caring and working-class labor facilitates middle-class women’s access and entry into higher education and the professional labor market.
Publication Date
New York, NY
Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Gender and Sexuality | Inequality and Stratification | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Women's Studies
Recommended Citation
Monzó, L. D., & Branch, K. (2023). Gender and education: The fevolutionary "force and reason" of women. In M. Cole (Ed)., Equality, education, and human rights in the United States: Issues of gender, race, sexuality, disability, and social class. Routledge.
Editorial material: The editor. Individual chapters: the authors.
In Mike Cole (Ed.), Equality, Education, and Human Rights in the United States: Issues of Gender, Race, Sexuality, Disability, and Social Class.