Marx and the Philosophy of Praxis
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"The guiding thread woven throughout this chapter is the 'philosophy of praxis' -- a dialectical synthesis of theory and practice oriented toward transforming extant social relations. Praxis emphasizes the reflective human capacity to alter the natural and social world, sheds light on the historical specificity and structural foundations of that world, our ideological formation within it, and the conditions in which antagonisms take root. In so doing, it helps us to grasp the mutually constitutive relationship between subjectivity and the objective, material world. In what follow, we begin with an overview of the key tenets of historical materialism in order to contextualize the philosophy of praxis and then proceed to examine how two of the most cited figures in educational thought -- Antonio Gramsci and Paulo Freire -- incorporated and expanded upon Marx's revolutionary formulation."
Publication Date
Springer International Publishing
Cham, Switzerland
Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Educational Leadership | Educational Methods | History of Philosophy | Liberal Studies | Other Education | Other Philosophy | Philosophy of Mind | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
Recommended Citation
Scatamburlo-D’Annibale V., Brown B.A., McLaren P. (2018). Marx and the philosophy of praxis. In: P. Smeyers (Ed.), International Handbook of Philosophy of Education (pp. 549-567). Springer International Handbooks of Education. Cham: Springer.
In Paul Smeyers (Ed.), International Handbook of Philosophy of Education. Dr. McLaren's chapter begins on page 549.
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