Below you may find selected research papers and other works from the Institute for Earth, Computing, Human and Observing (ECHO) at Chapman University.


Books from 1982


UV Emission from the M1 Supergiant TV Gem, Andrew G. Michalitsianos and Menas Kafatos


Radio and Optical Observations of the R Aquarii Jet, R. J. Sopka, G. Herbig, Menas Kafatos, and A. G. Michalitsianos


Ultraviolet Observations of the 1980 Eclipse of the Symbiotic Star CI Cygni, R. E. Stencel, A. G. Michalitsianos, Menas Kafatos, and A. A. Boyarchuk


Ci Cygni Since the 1980 Eclipse, R. E. Stencel, Andrew G. Michalitsianos, and Menas Kafatos

Submissions from 1981


OH Emission in the Direction of TV Gem and BI Cyg, L. W. Brown, R. W. Hobbs, A. G. Michalitsianos, and Menas Kafatos


Preliminary Report on IUE Spectra of Crab Nebula, K. Davidson, T. R. Gull, S. P. Maran, T. P. Stecher, Menas Kafatos, and V. L. Trimble


Superbubbles, T. R. Gull, F. C. Bruhweiler, Menas Kafatos, and S. Sofia


IUE Observations of Circumstellar Emission from the Late Type Variable R Aqr (M7 + pec), R. W. Hobbs, Andrew G. Michalitsianos, and Menas Kafatos


IUE Observations and Interpretation of the Symbiotic Star RW Hya, Menas Kafatos and Andrew G. Michalitsianos


Extragalactic Variable Sources and Cosmic-Ray Acceleration Near Massive Black Holes, Menas Kafatos, M. Shapiro, and R. Silberberg


IUE Observations of Two Late Type Stars BX Mon (M4 + pec) and TV Gem (M1 Iab), Andrew G. Michalitsianos, R. W. Hobbs, and Menas Kafatos


Ingress Observations of the 1980 Eclipse of the Symbiotic Star CI Cygni, R. E. Stencel, Andrew G. Michalitsianos, Menas Kafatos, and Alexander A. Boyarchuk

Submissions from 1980


Stellar Winds, Supernovae, and the Origin of the H I A supershells, C. Bruhweilier, T. R. Gull, Menas Kafatos, and S. Sofia


Gamma Rays from Penrose Powered Black Holes in Centaurus A, 3C 273, and NGC 4151, Menas Kafatos


150 GHz Observations of Three Radio Galaxies, Menas Kafatos, R. W. Hobbs, S. P. Maran, and L. W. Brown


Forbidden lines of np^q Ions. I. Detailed Balance and Line Intensity Ratios, Menas Kafatos and J. P. Lynch


IUE Observations of RW Hydrae (gM2 + pec), Menas Kafatos, A. G. Michalitsianos, and R. W. Hobbs


IUE Observations of Two Late Type Stars: R Aql and W Hya, Menas Kafatos, A. G. Michalitsianos, and R. W. Hobbs


The Evolution of Supernova Remnants in Different Galactic Environments, and its Effects on Supernova Statistics, Menas Kafatos, S. Sofia, C. Bruhweilier, and T. R. Gull


IUE Observations of a Luminous M Supergiant that Exhibits Emission Continuum in the Far Ultraviolet, A. G. Michalitsianos, Menas Kafatos, and R. W. Hobbs


IUE Observations of Circumstellar Emission from the Late Type Variable R Aquarii (M7 + pec), A. G. Michalitsianos, Menas Kafatos, and R. W. Hobbs

Submissions from 1979


Penrose Pair Production as a Power Source of Quasars and Active galactic Nuclei, Menas Kafatos and D. Leiter


Sporadic Mass Ejection in Red Supergiants, Menas Kafatos and A. G. Michalitsianos

Submissions from 1978


Cygnus A at 99 GHz: Observations of the Three Principal Components and the Interpretation of the Central Source, R. W. Hobbs, S. P. Maran, Menas Kafatos, and L. W. Brown


The Central, Compact Source in the Cygnus A Galaxy, Menas Kafatos


Penrose Pair Production in Massive, Extreme Kerr Black Holes, D. Leiter and Menas Kafatos


Mass Loss and OH Maser Emission from Mira Variables, A. G. Michalitsianos and Menas Kafatos

Submissions from 1975


Sources of Excitation of the Interstellar Gas and Galactic Structure, J. J. Cowan, Menas Kafatos, and W. K. Rose


Thermal Instability in Supernova Shells, R. McCray, R. F. Stein, and Menas Kafatos

Submissions from 1974


Statistical Time-Dependent Model for the Interstellar Gas, H. Gerola, Menas Kafatos, and R. McCray


Ionization of Carbon and Nitrogen in The Intercloud Medium, Menas Kafatos, H. Gerola, S. Hatchett, and R. McCray

Submissions from 1973


Time-Dependent Radiative Cooling of a Hot Low-Density Cosmic Gas, Menas Kafatos


Giant Loops as Fossil Stromgren Spheres: Their Radio and X-Ray Emission, Menas Kafatos and P. Morrison

Submissions from 1972


Time-Dependent Ionization Equilibrium and Line Radiation Under Flarelike Conditions, Menas Kafatos and W. H. Tucker

Submissions from 1971


Fossil Stromgren Spheres from Supernova Explosions, Menas Kafatos and P. Morrison