"Dance Masters BFA Showing & Feedback 2019: Lily Thongnuam"


Document Type


Performance Date

Spring 2-8-2019


You will agree to the following conditions in order to download a piece you performed in and/or choreographed as part of a dance department produced concert.

  • You will only download pieces that you choreographed or were cast in. You will not download pieces you were not in or did not choreograph.
  • You agree that duplicating a work in no way gives or implies consent to use other’s choreography in full or part for any re-staging or performing (public or private) without the expressed consent of the choreographer.
  • If you are solely a performer/cast member in a work, you agree that you may use these videos taken by Chapman University Dance Department ONLY for personal, non-public uses (such as portfolios, personal websites not accessible to the general public, reels, graduate school) and only if appropriate permissions are obtained. You are expressly forbidden from publicly displaying videos of other’s choreography, including posting these videos on internet or social media sites (facebook, twitter, Instagram, snap chat, etc.)
  • If you are the choreographer of the work, you agree that you may use these videos taken by Chapman University Dance Department for personal, non-public uses (such as portfolios, personal websites, reels, graduate school and choreography festival applications). You can also use videos of your choreography for public uses such as facebook, and instagram, ONLY if appropriate permissions were obtained. These permissions include performer permissions, music rights, and all rights to any additional copyrighted materials.

Download from off-campus (Chapman ID required)
