"Post Obama: Discrimination toward African Americans Remains a Major Pr" by Mackenzie Carl

Student Scholar Symposium Abstracts and Posters

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Faculty Advisor(s)

Ann Gordon


This paper explores the issue of racial views within the United States, particularly after the election and reelection of Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. The goal of this project is to determine if racial tension and resentment has either increased or decreased due to the election of a black President as well as determining if party identification is a predictor of racial resentment. By delving into the scholarly literature as well as looking into the public’s opinion, it is revealed that racial tension and resentment has actually increased within America, especially within the white population. Different forms of racism have been found to emerge as well since the election of Obama, ranging from either old fashioned racism or modern/symbolic racism. Old fashioned racism that deals with the attitude that the black population is biologically inferior to the white population while modern racism is more subtle and an underlying feeling from the white population that shows signs of discrimination towards the black population. Also, data is collected from the 2012 American National Election Studies provides information such as discovering the correlation between party identification and racial negative attitudes in the United States. Overall, contrary to popular belief, Obama’s Presidency did not bring about racial peace within the country, but brought about a divided America instead. Based upon the literature review as well as data collected from the ANES, it is found that America still struggles with the problem of racism regardless of having a minority within the Presidential Office.


Presented at the Fall 2014 Undergraduate Student Research Day at Chapman University.
