"ThinkMED: Providing An Environment For Disadvantaged Students To Explo" by Steven Trinh, Lauren Dudley et al.

Student Scholar Symposium Abstracts and Posters

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 12-1-2021

Faculty Advisor(s)

Lauren Dudley, Peter Chang


ThinkMED is a nonprofit initiative offering a four-week curriculum specifically designed to develop critical thinking and encourage evidence-based decision making. Each week’s content material revolves around the use of a ThinkMED Science Kit containing a wet lab experiment designed to supplement the content curriculum. Each experiment is formulated to be inclusive of all California Next Generation Science Standards K through 5. Contained within each week’s ThinkMED Science Kit is a unique QR code that directs the student to an interactive simulation of the experiment created by our team of computer scientists and graphic designers. At the end of each week, students get the opportunity to speak with university professors and scientists from a multitude of subject areas including chemistry, anatomy, computer science, physiology, and bioengineering. Ultimately, the goal of ThinkMED is to inspire the future of STEM, one project at a time.


Presented at the Fall 2021 Student Scholar Symposium at Chapman University.

SSS Script.pdf (45 kB)
