Student Scholar Symposium Abstracts and Posters

Publication Date

Spring 5-2019

Faculty Advisor(s)

Gail Stearns


The modernity of 21st century has led church leaders to confront a dilemma of whether or not their churches need to embrace entrepreneurial skills and business management to provide good leadership in their respective churches. The dilemma arises from leaders and the congregation who oppose the adaptations and acceptance of entrepreneurship in a church setting.

The argument will be made in this paper that entrepreneurial skills and management are skill sets needed by church leaders to run their churches. Theological reasoning will be given as well to support the adaptations of entrepreneurship by the churches and other religious institutions. The importance of entrepreneurship will be supported by examining five different areas. The five areas will be studying ecclesiastical polity, the incorporation of churches, biblical interpretations, church management, and the possible downfalls of entrepreneurship in churches.

The five areas will include not only theological concerns but also how our contemporary society is already constructed to embrace entrepreneurship. The research will examine the proposal that the establishment of a church is based on entrepreneurship and that leaders of churches need entrepreneurship to effectively manage their congregation. The ethical implication of entrepreneurship will be discussed along with the benefits entrepreneurship will produce for the church as a religious institution


Presented at the Spring 2019 Student Scholar Symposium at Chapman University.

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