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This exploratory study examines information-seeking about the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (i.e. healthcare reform) in relation to the potential barriers of uncertainty,uncertainty discrepancy, and low health self-efficacy. Adult United States participants completed an anonymous online survey about their perceptions and understanding of healthcare reform. Results confirmed recent literature, suggesting a complex relationship between information-seeking and uncertainty. Specifically, for this sample, significant positive relationships were observed between information-seeking about healthcare reform and uncertainty, uncertainty discrepancy, health self-efficacy. Further, uncertainty discrepancy was the potential barrier that accounted for the most variance in predicting information-seeking.Implications of these findings for improving public understanding of healthcare reform are discussed.
Publication Date
Gower Publishers
Farnham, UK
Healthcare reform, Uncertainty, Information seeking behavior, Human information processing, Self efficacy
Health and Medical Administration | Health Communication | Health Information Technology | Information Literacy | Medical Humanities
Recommended Citation
Bevan, J.L. (2013). Information sources in relation to information quality, information-seeking, and uncertainty in the context of healthcare reform. In R. Ahmed and B. R. Bates (Eds.), Health Communication and Mass Media: An Integrated Approach to Policy and Practice (pp.19-34). Farnham, UK: Gower Publishers.
Peer Reviewed
Gower Publishers

Included in
Health and Medical Administration Commons, Health Communication Commons, Health Information Technology Commons, Information Literacy Commons, Medical Humanities Commons
In Rukhsana Ahmed and Benjamin R. Bates (Eds.), Health Communication and Mass Media: An Integrated Approach to Policy and Practice. Dr. Bevan's chapter begins on page 19