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An online experiment investigated heterosexual women’s responses to their romantic partners’ pornography use. Specifically, we examined how a perceived parasocial (i.e., entirely fanciful, one-sided) versus social (i.e., reciprocal) interaction with a porn actress, as well as a perceived parasocial romantic attachment to a porn actress, may pose a relational threat to one’s actual romantic relationship. Results revealed that perceptions of infidelity and jealousy were dampened by women’s belief that their romantic partner had a weak (vs. stronger) parasocial romantic attachment to and parasocial (vs. social) interaction with a porn actress. These findings advance our understanding of the effects of pornography use within romantic relationships and highlight how parasocial relationships can affect romance.
Recommended Citation
Journeay, J. M., Vendemia, M. A., & Tukachinsky Forster, R. (2023). Relational effects of romantic partner’s perceived parasocial romantic attachment with pornography. Journal of Media Psychology.
Hogrefe Publishing
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Gender and Sexuality Commons, Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication Commons, Interpersonal and Small Group Communication Commons
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