John and Margaret Class Student Book Collection Contest
Document Type
Contest Entry
Publication Date
Spring 4-12-2017
This is Gianina Hatton's submission essay, annotated bibliography, and annotated wishlist for the 2017 John and Margaret Class Student Book Collection Contest, which won second place.
Gianina is a freshman at Chapman University, majoring in Communications.
From the author: "This collection is something very close to me, the characters in these novels and the music included have been with me since middle school. I have collected these books off of dying thrift stores and pristine Barnes and Noble’s. The protagonists in them are seemingly the worst characters: flawed, depressed, even selfish at times, but at the end of the day they are relatable."
Recommended Citation
Hatton, Gianina, "2nd Place: "An Appreciation for Angst"" (2017). John and Margaret Class Student Book Collection Contest. 5.