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Conference Proceeding

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Stroke survivors often experience reduced movement capabilities due to alterations in their neuromusculoskeletal systems. Modern sensor technologies and motion analyses can facilitate the determination of these changes. Our work aims to assess the potential of using wearable motion sensors to analyze the movement of stroke survivors and identifying the affected functions. We recruited 10 participants (5 stroke survivors, 5 healthy individuals) and conducted a controlled laboratory evaluation for two of the most common daily activities: turning and walking. Among the extracted kinematic parameters, range of trunk and sacrum lateral bending in turning were significantly larger in stroke survivors (p-value<0.02). However, no statistical difference in mean angular velocity and range of motion for trunk/sacrum/shank flexion-extension were obtained in the turning task. Our results also indicated that during walking, while there was no difference in swing time, double support portion of gait among the stroke group was significantly larger (p-value = 0.001). Outcomes of this investigation may help in designing new rehabilitation programs for stroke and other neurological disorders and/or in improving the efficacy of such programs.Clinical Relevance— This study may provide a better insight on the detailed functional differences between stroke survivors and healthy individuals which in turn could be used to develop a more efficient rehabilitation program for stroke community.


This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article presented at the 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). The definitive publisher-authenticated version is available online at


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