Submissions from 2025
Holy Day Surveys and Political Attitudes in Israel, Hannah M. Ridge
Submissions from 2024
State Capacity and COVID-19 Responses: Comparing the US States, Kiran Auerbach, Joshua Y. Lerner, and Hannah M. Ridge
Bottom-up Global Change: Stealth Action in a Decentralized World, Art Blaser and Trinity Huynh
Ontological Complexity of Interpolity Orders: The Encounter Between Chosŏn and Tibet in Qing, Inho Choi and Minju Kwon
What Biden Could Still Learn From Incumbent Presidents Who Decided Not to Run Again, Luke A. Nichter
Ethnodoxy and Immigration Attitudes in the Middle East/North Africa, Hannah M. Ridge
Fair Elections, Representation, and the Win-Loss Satisfaction with Democracy Gap, Hannah M. Ridge
Jewish Nationalism in Israel: A Measurement, Hannah M. Ridge
Submissions from 2023
Review of Thorne, Benjamin, The Figure of the Witness in International Criminal Tribunals: Memory, Atrocities and Transitional Justice, Art Blaser and Trinity Huynh
Always Silent? Exploring Contextual Conditions for Nonresponses to Vote Intention Questions at the 2020 US Presidential Election, Stefano Camatarri, Lewis Luartz, and Marta Gallina
Gin, Jesus, & Jim Crow: Prohibition and the Transformation of Racial and Religious Politics in the South, John Compton
Manufacturing a Protestant Consensus: Religion and Regime Entrenchment in the Eisenhower Era, John W. Compton
So What is ‘Bidenomics’ Anyway? Certainly Not the Key to President Biden’s Reelection, Lori Cox Han
The Ukraine War Wouldn’t Have Surprised Richard Nixon, Luke A. Nichter
Democratic Commitment in the Middle East: A Conjoint Analysis, Hannah M. Ridge
Measuring Ethnodoxy in Egypt and Morocco, Hannah M. Ridge
Perceived Party Differences, Election Outcomes, and Satisfaction with Democracy, Hannah M. Ridge
Smoller: Local Government and Climate Change, Fred Smoller
Submissions from 2022
A New Wave of “Space Nationalism” in the United States: Why Are Evangelicals Good With It?, Andrea Molle
Dismantling New Democracies: The Case of Tunisia, Hannah M. Ridge
Party System Institutionalization, Partisan Affect, and Satisfaction with Democracy, Hannah M. Ridge
Submissions from 2021
Review of: Murray, Stuart F. Disability and the Posthuman: Bodies, Technology, and Cultural Futures, Arthur Blaser
Martial Arts in the Pandemic, Martin J. Meyer, Andrea Molle, Benjamin N. Judkins, and Paul Bowman
Should the State of Israel Pursue Krav Maga as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Jewish People? History and Politics Say Yes., Guy Mor and Andrea Molle
Citizens’ Democratic Attitudes: Winning the Constituency Offsets the Negative Effect of Electoral Defeat at the National Level, Hannah Ridge
Electoral Outcomes and Support for Westminster Democracy, Hannah M. Ridge
Just Like the Others: Party Differences, Perception, and Satisfaction with Democracy, Hannah M. Ridge
Smoller and Moodian: Issues Matter in Supervisor’s Race, Fred Smoller and Michael A. Moodian
Smoller, Moodian & King: Help Us Save the Earth, Fred Smoller, Michael A. Moodian, and Richard King
Submissions from 2020
Pandemics Prey on Fears, Both Legitimate and Illegitimate, Joseph O. Baker, Ann Gordon, Edward Day, and Christoper Bader
The Flesh and The Devil: Belief in Religious Evil and Views of Sexual Morality, Joseph O. Baker, Andrea Molle, and Christoper Bader
Boyd and Blaser: An Uneven COVID-19 Toll in Orange County and Elsewhere — Orange County Isn’t the World, But is Part of It, Art Blaser and LouAnne Boyd
The Cradle of the Countermajoritarian Diffifficulty, John W. Compton
Rights and Representation: Media Narratives about Disabled People and Their Service Animals in Canadian Print News, Lana Kerzner, Chelsea Temple Jones, Beth Haller, and Arthur Blaser
Mainero and Smoller: Response to Wagner, Mario Maneiro and Fred Smoller
Mainero and Smoller: The GOP is Self-Destructing, Mario Maneiro and Fred Smoller
Enemy Mine: Negative Partisanship and Satisfaction with Democracy, Hannah M. Ridge
State Regulation of Religion: The Effect of Religious Freedom on Muslims' Religiosity, Hannah M. Ridge
Smoller and Moodian: Four Takeaways From the 2020 General Election, Fred Smoller and Michael A. Moodian
Smoller and Moodian: It’s Time to Rename John Wayne Airport, Fred Smoller and Michael A. Moodian
Submissions from 2019
Review of The Third Disestablishment: Church, State, and American Culture, 1940-1975. By Steven K. Green, John W. Compton
Why the Covenant Worked: On the Institutional Foundations of the American Civil Religion, John W. Compton
Effect of Religious Legislation on Religious Behavior: The Ramadan Fast, Hannah M. Ridge
Smoller and King: California Should Have its Own Solar Decathlon, Fred Smoller and Richard King
Submissions from 2018
Review of Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom, Nubar Hovsepian
Submissions from 2017
Driverless Cars and Disability: Alternative Worlds in Media Presentation, Art Blaser
Introducing International Relations: Placing “Disability”, Art Blaser
Multiple Perspectives on Service Animals in Society, Arthur W. Blaser
The Only Language They Understand: Forcing Compromise in Israel and Palestine, Nubar Hovsepian
Smoller: Orange County Supervisors Should Support the Voter’s Choice Act, Fred Smoller
Smoller: Phasing in The Voter’s Choice Act, Fred Smoller
Submissions from 2016
"Their Shadows Still Walk with Us": Mapping a Decolonial Cartography of Struggle with Ingrid Washinawatok El-Issa, Sandra Álvarez
Review of 'Republican Theology: The Civil Religion of American Evangelicals', John Compton
Why You Can’t Count On Congress to Rein In a President Trump, Lori Cox Han
Review of Eqbal Ahmad: Critical Outsider in a Turbulent Age, Nubar Hovsepian
Review of The Near East Behind the Scenes: Memoirs of a Diplomat and Journalist (1952-2012), Nubar Hovsepian
Submissions from 2015
Smoller/Grindle: Time is Now for an Ethics Commission, Fred Smoller and Shirley Grindle
Submissions from 2014
What Is Originalism Good For?, John W. Compton
Guest Editorial: Measure E is a Hoax by OC Supervisors, William R. Mitchell, Fred Smoller, Dave Baker, and Shirley Grindle
Submissions from 2012
One State or Two in Israel/Palestine: The Stress on Gender and Citizenship, Gordon Babst and Nicole M. Tellier
Review of Bruce Ledewitz, Church, State and the Crisis in American Secularism, John Compton
Political Theory in Institutional Context: The Case of Patriot Royalism, John Compton and Karen Orren
Submissions from 2006
2006 Apsa Teaching and Learning Conference Track Summaries, Gordon Babst, Denise DeGarmo, Chris Harth, Bob Reinalda, Amy Cabrera Rasmussen, Reilly Hirst, Anas Malik, and Ange-Marie Hancock
New Strategies for an Old Medium: The Weekly Radio Addresses of Reagan and Clinton, Lori Cox Han
Submissions from 2004
Assessment Is Not a Four-Letter Word, Fred Smoller
Submissions from 2003
Out of Office and In the News: Early Projections of the Clinton Legacy, Lori Cox Han and Matthew J. Krov
Submissions from 2002
Building Political Consensus and Distributing Resources: A Trade-Off Or a Compatible Choice?, Yi Feng and Theodora‐Ismene Gizelis
Submissions from 1999
John Dewey, Art and Public Life, Mark Mattern
Submissions from 1997
Teaching Democratic Theory Democratically, Mark Mattern
Submissions from 1992
How To Advance Human-Rights Without Really Trying - an Analysis Of Nongovernmental Tribunals, Arthur Blaser
Watergate Revisited, Fred Smoller