Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 1999
"While it is true that pharmacists are changing their practice habits, they are doing so for the betterment of their patients’ drug therapy outcomes and the healthcare system. The pharmacist serves as the vital link between the patient, physician, and healthcare system. By working with patients and physicians, pharmacists have demonstrated in the literature that they can improve patient drug therapy outcomes, thus preventing unnecessary healthcare expenditures (Fincham, 1998). Pharmacists have long been held in highest esteem by patients, being voted the number one trusted professional for 10 consecutive years. The evidence is clear that pharmacists provide a valuable service to their patients and healthcare programs, thus they should be adequately compensated. It is important for physicians, healthcare plans, and pharmacists to have a clear idea for what pharmacists are being compensated."
Recommended Citation
Goad JA, Johnson K, Rudolph M. Reimbursement for Pharmaceutical Care Services: The California Experience. California Pharmacist. Autumn 1999, pg. 24-28
California Pharmacists Association
Included in
Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Economics Commons, Pharmacy Administration, Policy and Regulation Commons
This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in California Pharmacist in autumn 1999 following peer review. The final, published version may differ slightly.