Library Articles and Research

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Peer Reviewed


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Resource Description and Access (RDA) is a new standard for describing and accessing information specifically designed for the digital environment. It is a shift from Anglo American Cataloging Rules, AACR2 and it aims to provide a more user friendly service to library users in locating information in the library online catalogs. It is also targeting to facilitate a cataloging standard which can be shared globally and be edited simultaneously by the catalogers and other users when needed. There are similarities as well as differences between these two cataloging standards.Since the development of RDA started in 2005, there has been a hot discussion among catalogers about the advantages and disadvantages of the two standards against each other. There is also argument on the changes that RDA would introduce to the cataloging standards and questioning if this is the right time to move forward with these changes. This paper provides the reader an overview of the development of RDA standards and the outcome of this new standard yet to be adopted.


This article was originally published in Information World/Bilgi Dünyası, volume 13, issue 2, in 2012.


University and Research Librarians Association (UNAK)

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