Student Scholar Symposium Abstracts and Posters
Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 12-2-2020
Faculty Advisor(s)
Ann Gordon
The idea of man-made climate change has been common knowledge in America for decades, yet there is still a significant number of people who are stead-fast climate deniers, regardless of scientific understanding. Past research has covered possible factors in one’s upbringing to cause climate change denials, such as political parties or religion. We seek to answer the curiosity of climate change denial with a much simpler variable: location. The Earth is covered in a myriad of ecosystems, each with its own regional climate. People live across the globe, so each has different values and principles about the environment based on their community’s climate. An effect of climate change is an increase in the frequency and severity of natural disasters, so people who live in at-risk areas directly experience the consequences of manmade climate change, perhaps making them more sensitive to the topic. Adversely, people who live in low-risk areas have fewer concerns about environmental consequences, thus allotting them the privilege of not having to believe in scientific reasoning and public outcry.
Questions cover fear of pollution, natural disasters, and other general personal information (i.e. census division, education, etc.) gathered from the National Survey of Fear. The information gained from this study could be hugely beneficial for how the public talks about climate change. There is clearly some disconnect for climate change deniers, and learning exactly where that occurs in climate science communication is integral to its success. Environmentalists can use this data to create media content to spread awareness with specific audiences in mind; make it more accessible to everyone.
Recommended Citation
Falla, Joanna, "Transnational Privilege during the Climate Crisis" (2020). Student Scholar Symposium Abstracts and Posters. 414.
Presented at the virtual Fall 2020 Student Scholar Symposium at Chapman University.