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In this paper we relate notions of nonclassicality in what is known as the simplest nontrivial scenario (a prepare and measure scenario composed of four preparations and two binary-outcome tomographically complete measurements). Specifically, we relate the established method developed by Pusey [M. F. Pusey, Phys. Rev. A 98, 022112 (2018)] to witness a violation of preparation noncontextuality, that is not suitable in experiments where the operational equivalences to be tested are specified in advance, with an approach based on the notion of bounded ontological distinctness for preparations, defined by Chaturvedi and Saha [A. Chaturvedi and D. Saha, Quantum 4, 345 (2020)]. In our approach, we test bounded ontological distinctness for two particular preparations that are relevant in certain information processing tasks in that they are associated with the even and odd parity of the bits to communicate. When there exists an ontological model where this distance is preserved we talk of parity preservation. Our main result provides a noise threshold under which violating parity preservation (and so bounded ontological distinctness) agrees with the established method for witnessing preparation contextuality in the simplest nontrivial scenario. This is achieved by first relating the violation of parity preservation to the quantification of contextuality in terms of inaccessible information as developed by Marvian (I. Marvian, arXiv:2003.05984.), that we also show, given the way we quantify noise, to be more robust in witnessing contextuality than Pusey's noncontextuality inequality. As an application of our findings, we treat the case of two-bit parity-oblivious multiplexing in the presence of noise. In particular, given that we have a noise threshold below which preparation contextuality holds, we use it to establish a condition for which preparation contextuality is present in the case where the probability of success exceeds that achieved by any classical strategy.


This article was originally published in Physical Review A, volume 109, in 2024.

Peer Reviewed



American Physical Society



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