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This study explores the efficacy of integrating stroboscopic glasses with smartphone-based applications to evaluate postural control, offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional forceplate technology. Athletes, particularly those with visual and visuo-oculomotor enhancements due to sports, often suffer from injuries that necessitate reliance on visual inputs for balance—conditions that can be simulated and studied using visual perturbation methods such as stroboscopic glasses. These glasses intermittently occlude vision, mimicking visual impairments that are crucial in assessing dependency on visual information for postural stability. Participants performed these tasks under three visual conditions: full vision, partial vision occlusion via stroboscopic glasses, and no vision (eyes closed), on foam surfaces to induce postural instability. The use of a smartphone app to measure postural sway was validated against traditional force plate measurements, providing a comparative analysis of both tools under varied sensory conditions. We investigated postural parameters like anterior–posterior and medial–lateral sway ranges, root mean square values, 95% confidence ellipse area, and sway velocity and median dominant sway frequency from both the smartphone and the force plates. Our findings indicate that force plates exhibit high sensitivity to various visual conditions, as evidenced by significant differences observed in certain postural parameters, which were not detected by smartphone-based measurements. Overall, our findings indicate that smartphones show promise as a cost-effective alternative to force plate measurements for routine monitoring of postural control in sports, although they may not achieve the same level of accuracy as force plates. The integration of stroboscopic glasses further refined the assessment by effectively simulating visual impairments, thereby allowing precise evaluation of an individual’s ability to maintain balance under visually perturbed conditions.


This article was originally published in Electronics, volume 13, issue 11, in 2024.

Peer Reviewed



The authors

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