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This article provides a detailed, typologically informed treatment of applicative constructions in Shipibo-Konibo, a Panoan language from Peruvian Amazonia. Shipibo-Konibo has three applicative suffixes: affective (i.e., benefactive or malefactive), dedicated malefactive, and associative. These applicative types are rather common cross-linguistically and hence the language cannot be said to be particularly rich either in terms of number or kinds of applicative constructions. Nevertheless, the Shipibo-Konibo system exhibits certain points of special interest such as the interplay between transitivity and the different applicative construction types, which include a restriction on the dedicated malefactive to combine with transitive verbs only, and the almost exclusively benefactive semantics of the affective when attached to transitives. Also noteworthy are the high degree of symmetry with regard to the morphosyntactic properties of base and applicative objects, obligatoriness/optionality of applicative constructions, and the semantic requirements of certain arguments.


This article was originally published in International Journal of American Linguistics, volume 76, issue 1, in 2010.

Peer Reviewed



University of Chicago Press



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