Latinx Revolutionary Horizons: Form and Futurity in the Americas
Renee Hudson
In Latinx Revolutionary Horizons, Renee Hudson theorizes a liberatory latinidad that is not yet here and conceptualizes a hemispheric project in which contemporary Latinx authors return to earlier moments of revolution. Rather than viewing Latinx as solely a category of identification, she argues for an expansive, historicized sense of the term that illuminates its political potential.
Claiming the “x” in Latinx as marking the suspension and tension between how Latin American descended people identify and the future politics the “x” points us toward, Hudson contends that latinidad can signal a politics grounded in shared struggles and histories rather than merely a mode of identification. In this way, Latinx Revolutionary Horizons reads against current calls for cancelling latinidad based on its presumed anti-Black and anti-Indigenous framework. Instead, she examines the not-yet-here of latinidad to investigate the connection between the revolutionary history of the Americas and the creation of new genres in the hemisphere, from conversion narratives and dictator novels to neoslave narratives and testimonios. -
The Rhetorical Mediator: Understanding Agency in Indigenous Translation and Interpretation through Indigenous Approaches to UX
Nora K. Rivera
The Rhetorical Mediator reveals how and why scholars and user experience (UX) researchers can include Indigenous technical communicators and oral interpretation practices in their interdisciplinary conversations. Nora Rivera analyzes the challenges that Indigenous interpreters and translators face in Peru, Mexico, and the United States as a means of understanding their agency and examines the various ways in which technical and professional communication, translation and interpreting studies, and UX research can better support the practices of Indigenous interpreters and translators.
Program Profile 8: Chapman University: Bridging the Gap with Action Research
Ian Barnard, Matthew Goldman, Sarah K. Robblee, Natalie Salagean, Daniel Strasberger, and Candice Yacono
"In the English Department at Chapman, all graduate students are eligible to apply for positions as GTAs after they have completed a graduate seminar in teaching composition. Those who are offered and accept GTA positions take a second graduate seminar, composition pedagogy and research practicum, simultaneously with their first semester of teaching. In order to encourage GTAs to develop identities as teacher-scholars, GTAs develop IRB-approved action research projects (Buyserie; Hawkes; Hudson et al.; Souleles) as their major work in this second seminar. These action research projects allow GTAs to research a question they have about the teaching of composition, using their own students as the sources of their data. Thus, they are learning how (their own) teacher-knowledge can be a source of expertise in the fields of pedagogy and composition, and the action research project becomes a central component of and bridge between their teaching (their identities as teachers, since they initiate, shape, and undertake the research as the instructor of their first-year composition class) and their scholarship (their identities as students, since they are learning how to undertake an action research project and are completing it as a graduate student assignment). Many GTAs have gone on to use their action research projects as the basis for MA theses and conference papers."
The Virtue of Humour in King Lear
Kent R. Lehnhof
"As the essays in this volume by Carolyn Sale and Katie Adkison clearly demonstrate, King Lear is centrally concerned with virtue. France makes it a priority when choosing Cordelia for his wife, telling her ‘Thee and thy virtues here I seize upon’ (1.1.250).1 Similarly, Cornwall cites Edmund’s ‘virtue and obedience’ when deciding to ‘seize on’ Edmund as his own (2.1.115, 118). The fact that characters as opposite as Cordelia and Edmund are alike ‘seized’ upon on account of their virtue underscores how difficult it can be to determine who and what is truly virtuous. Lear highlights this very problem when he frets and rages about the ‘simular [man] of virtue’ who is actually perjurious and incestuous, as well as the ‘simp’ring dame’ who ‘minces virtue’ but goes to it with ‘riotous appetite’ (3.2.54; 4.5.116, 118, 121).2 At the end of the play, Albany raises hopes that the problem of virtue’s indeterminacy will be fully and finally sorted when he optimistically announces that ‘All friends shall / Taste the wages of their virtue and all foes / The cup of their deservings’ (5.3.278–80). Of course, these hopes are dashed almost instantly by the death of Lear, leading to widespread disappointment at the play’s dramatization of virtue. This was one of the chief concerns motivating Nahum Tate to revise the play in 1681. In Tate’s rewrite, both Lear and Cordelia survive the conflict, and in the play’s last lines Edgar offers up a pat moral message. Gesturing to Cordelia, Edgar exclaims: ‘Thy bright Example shall convince the World / (Whatever Storms of Fortune are decreed) / That Truth and Vertue shall at last succeed’ (5.6.159–61).3 This virtue-rewarded ending was preferred by English audiences, and for nearly 150 years Tate’s version was the only Lear to be performed. By the middle of the nineteenth century, however, Shakespeare’s version had retaken the stage, once more challenging us with its unflinching moral and ethical vision and forcing us to think long and hard about virtue: what it is, what it does, and what it demands of us."
USA: Wolf Connection and Inclusive, Safe Spaces for All
Patrick Fuery and Kelli Fuery
"Wolf Connection is a wolf sanctuary located on the outskirts of a rural town, Acton, California, nestled in the Angeles National Forest. The sanctuary consists of 165 acres of stunning woodland and high desert mountains, including a year-round stream. It is located within a one-hour drive from Los Angeles. Wolf Connection runs a series of programmes based around issues of mental health, addressing social and economic inequality, and providing strategies for resilience and well-being. Wolf Connection identifies the following as its core business activities: Providing Animal Rescue and Wildlife Preservation; At-Risk Youth Education and Empowerment; Community Empowerment; and Environmental Awareness and Sustainability (see Fig. 1 for one of the wolves at Wolf Connection). This chapter examines these activities as they reflect the UN’s SDG#11."
The (Selfish) Power of Book Reviews: Reading, Citizenship, and Platform
Anna Leahy
"Indeed, writing book reviews can further one's professional goals both inside and outside academia, not only as a service to others but in sustaining a lifetime of writing and in building a record of publication. Publishing reviews supports three distinct, interconnected areas of a writer's work: attentive, writerly reading to keep up with one's field; thoughtful engagement in the field's conversation; and connection with editors and readers... As such, this type of writing bridges academic and public writing, critical and creative impulses, and modes of writerly reading and creative writing."
Untheories of Fiction: Literary Essays from Diderot to Markson
Mark Axelrod-Sokolov
This book takes a closer look at the diversity of fiction writing from Diderot to Markson and by so doing call into question the notion of a singular “theory of fiction,” especially in relation to the novel. Unlike Forster’s approach to “Aspects of the Novel,” which implied there is only one kind of novel to which there may be an aspect, this book deconstructs how one approach to studying something as protean as the novel cannot be accomplished. To that end, the text uses Diderot’s This Is Not A Story (1772) and David Markson’s This Is Not A Novel (2016) as a frame and imbedded within are essays on De Maistre’s Voyage Around My Room (1829), Machado de Assis’s Posthumous Memoirs Of Braz Cubas (1881), André Breton’s Nadja (1928) and Elizabeth Smart’s By Grand Central Station I Sat Down And Wept (1945).
Interrogating What We Mean by "Making": Stories from Women who Make in Community
Bibhushana Poudyal, Tetyana Zhyvotovska, Estefania Castillo, Nora Rivera, Ann Shivers-McNair, Joy Robinson, and Laura Gonzales
"In recent years, innovation, entrepreneurship, and globalization have become popular concepts in relation to technology design. While some major corporations and other entities continue pushing for globalization through the design and dissemination of digital technologies, researchers also caution against the biases and oppression that can be embedded in US culture’s 'near-ubiquitous use of algorithmically driven software.'1 Countering some previously established orientations to globalization and entrepreneurship, this chapter highlights the importance of building technological innovation with (rather than just for or about) historically, structurally, and systematically marginalized and underrepresented communities. The overall purpose of this chapter is to showcase how technological innovation, when it is made and developed through reciprocal mentorship networks,2 can disrupt a chain of signifiers of a privileged structure and create makerspaces for and with community knowledge and information."
Sex Panic Rhetorics, Queer Interventions
Ian Barnard
In Sex Panic Rhetorics, Queer Interventions, Ian Barnard makes the counterintuitive argument that contemporary “sex panics” are undergirded by queerphobia, even when the panics in question don’t appear to have much to do with queerness. Barnard presents six case studies that treat a wide range of sex panic rhetorics around child molesters, sex trafficking, transgenderism, incest, queer kids, and pedagogy to demonstrate this argument. By using examples from academic scholarship, political discourse, and popular culture, including the Kevin Spacey scandal and the award-winning film Moonlight, Barnard shows how homophobia and transphobia continue to pervade contemporary Western culture.
Is It ‘A Marriage of True Minds’? Balanced Reading in Northanger Abbey and Persuasion
Lynda A. Hall
Jane Austen often uses reading as a way to develop her characters. For instance, in Persuasion, Captain Benwick‘s melancholic disposition is revealed through his partiality for Romantic poetry, but Anne Elliot’s value for balance is expressed when she recommends moral essays. Other times, and not unfrequently, characters’ reading choice falls on the works of William Shakespeare—such as Hamlet, which Willoughby reads to Marianne Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility, and the excerpts from Elegant Extracts we learn that Northanger Abbey’s Catherine Morland has memorized.
Some of Austen’s characters read Shakespeare with seductive intent, but others show their maturity through the critical thinking that comes with balanced reading—understanding nuance and context rather than memorizing “bits and scraps” of published excerpts. Looking carefully at eighteenth century reading practices as well as characters’ reading in Austen’s last two published novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, this chapter aims to determine the value of reading within Austen’s novels.
Notions of Otherness: Literary Essays from Abraham Cahan to Dacia Maraini
Mark Axelrod-Sokolov
‘Notions of Otherness’ is a collection of literary essays that approaches the idea of alterity politically, aesthetically, ethically, culturally and sexually in a diachronic manner.
Madness in Fiction: Literary Essays from Poe to Fowles
Mark Axelrod-Sokolov
This book examines one work dealing with madness from each of five prominent authors. Including discussion of Fowles, Hamsun, Hesse, Kafka, and Poe, it delineates the specific type of madness the author associates with each text, and explores the reason for that - such as a historical moment, physical pressure (such as starvation), or the author’s or his narrator’s perspective. The project approaches the texts it explores from the perspective of a writer of fiction as well as from the perspective of a critic, and discusses them as unique manifestations of literary madness. It is of particular significance for those interested in the interplay of fiction, literary criticism, and psychology.
Theology, Phenomenology, and the Divine in King Lear
Kent R. Lehnhof
"In what follows, then, I would like to think through Levinas's ideas on transcendence and ethics in such a way as to map out a new pathway for approaching Shakespeare's great tragedy. As unorthodox as it may sound, I propose to shed light on the darkling religiosity of King Lear by turning-not to the theological doctrines of early modem Christians-but to the postmodern ethics of a twentieth-century Jew."
Bohemians: Greenwich Village and The Masses
Joanna Levin
"This chapter traces the convergence of 'the revolt against puritanism' and 'the revolt against capitalism' in the 1910s, focusing on the most celebrated American bohemia Greenwich Village - and on The Masses, the Village periodical that provided the most influential expression of the double-edged bohemian revolt. The effort to combine the personal and the political, the artistic and the social helped fuel a host of interconnected movements and alliances within the bohemian milieu, and the bohemians called upon both Marx and Freud in the effort to promote revolutionary change. Often riddled with internal contradictions and susceptible to forces of cultural co-optation and containment, the quest for bohemian liberation in the 1910s inevitably fell short of the Villagers' ambitious, utopian ideals; nevertheless, the bohemians were astute social critics, recognizing that liberation required them to confront interlocking oppressions based on class, gender, nationality, and race. They sought a more inclusive, egalitarian America, and their art and writing - and their legendary exploits, recounted in numerous memoirs continued to inspire later generations of left-leaning artists, writers, and intellectuals."
"It's Such a Good Feeling": Self-Esteem, the Growth Mindset, and Creative Writing
Anna Leahy
"Ten years ago, I wrote an essay about grading for Can It Really Be Taught? that was actually about self-esteem. I asserted then, as I do now, that 'our common terminology, the prevalent workshop model, and popular notions of creative writing as unteachable, unacademic, or undisciplined lead to self-esteem in a way that other college classes do not.' By that, I meant that the issue of self-esteem is more likely to be evident in the field of creative writing than in other disciplines and to play a discernible role in dynamics and learning in creative writing classrooms, though I now see how my statement might mistakenly be considered a call to use creative writing classes to boost self-esteem or as a criticism of foundational pedagogical approaches in the field of creative writing."
The Double Dealers in Bohemian New Orleans
Joanna Levin
"This essay focuses on The Double Dealer, the literary journal that the New York Times called 'the heart and backbone of the Quarter.' The offices and pages of the journal provided the stage for bohemian self-fashioning and community building... The lively, engaging, frustrating, and often offensive 'talk talk talk' (in Faulkner's words) that circulated between Double Dealer publications and the extended dialogues of Faulkners roman à clef, his apprentice novel Mosquitoes (1927), reveal the gendered, racial, socioeconomic, regional, national and temporal fault lines at the base of this Southern bohemia."
Women and ‘Value’ in Jane Austen’s Novels: Settling, Speculating and Superfluity
Lynda A. Hall
Jane Austen’s minor female characters expose the economic and social realties of British women in the long eighteenth century and reflect the conflict between intrinsic and expressed value within the evolving marketplace, where fluctuations and fictions inherent in the economic and moral value structures are exposed. Just as the newly-minted paper money was struggling to express its value, so do Austen’s minor female characters struggle to assert their intrinsic value within a marketplace that expresses their worth as bearers of dowries. Austen’s minor female characters expose the plight of women who settle for transactional marriages, become speculators and predators, or become superfluous women who have left the marriage market and battle for personal significance and existence. These characters illustrate the ambiguity of value within the marriage market economy, exposing women’s limited choices. This book employs a socio-historical framework, considering the rise of a competitive consumer economy juxtaposed with affective individualism.
Poetics of Prose: Literary Essays from Lermontov to Calvino
Mark Axelrod
This creative yet scholarly book discusses prose's important relationship to close literary analysis, showing how such an approach can be beneficial for readers, scholars, and writers alike. Bringing together a literary history that consists of writers such as Lermontov, Chekhov, Camus, and Calvino, Mark Axelrod masterfully interweaves discussions of structure, context, genre, plot, and other key elements often applied to poetry but seldom applied to various forms of prose in order to offer bold and surprisingly fresh claims about the writer's purpose. By peeling back these layers of technique and style, this book opens up discussions to better understand and appreciate great dramatists, writers, and poets throughout time by returning back to the core elements that originally comprised their writing crafts.
A Political Genealogy of Joseph Conrad
Richard Ruppel
Drawing on the work of Michel Foucault and Jean-Francois Lyotard, especially on the latter’s critique of what he called “the grand narrative,” A Political Genealogy of Joseph Conrad shows how Conrad’s politics were always radically contingent on audience, contemporary events, and, especially, genre. While the political perspective in each of his stories and novels may be more-or-less coherent and consistent, there is no consistency throughout his work. A Political Genealogy of Joseph Conrad is the first book devoted exclusively to Conrad’s politics since the 1960s.
Community Colleges and First-Generation Students: Academic Discourse in the Writing Classroom
Jan Osborn
Community Colleges and First-Generation Students examines how first-generation students from diverse ethnic and linguistic backgrounds are initiated into what is known as academic discourse, particularly at the community college. Osborn systematically looks at specific classroom discourses through detailed evidence provided by the diversities represented by the students, and how the students negotiated their identities in terms of the ideological directionality in play.
The download link above only contains chapter 2 of Dr. Osborn's book, "Identities: A Context of Multiplicity".
No Symbols where None Intended: Literary Essays from Laclos to Beckett
Mark Axelrod
In Nabokov's Lectures on Literature, he writes: "Style and structure are the essence of a book; great ideas are hogwash." The essays in No Symbols Where None Intended: Literary Essays from Laclos to Beckett use Nabokov's stylistic approach to well-known texts (fiction, drama and criticism) as a point of departure. Notions of style and structure link the three prose pieces discussed in the text, (Beckett, Smart, and Turgenev,) to the fiction and drama of Ibsen and Strindberg. Mark Axelrod joins a wide and deep conversation on writers on writing.
Theories of Creativity and Creative Writing Pedagogy
Anna Leahy, Mary Cantrell, and Mary Swander
The authors examine the history of creative writing, the dominant approaches to creative writing and creative writing pedagogy, and the applications of theories and approaches to classroom teaching.
Train : Riding The Rails That Created The Modern World: From The Trans-Siberian To The Southwest Chief
Tom Zoellner
A revelatory, entertaining account of the world's most indispensable mode of transportation Tom Zoellner loves trains with a ferocious passion. In his new book he chronicles the innovation and sociological impact of the railway technology that changed the world, and could very well change it again. From the frigid trans-Siberian railroad to the antiquated Indian Railways to the futuristic MagLev trains, Zoellner offers a stirring story of man's relationship with trains. Zoellner examines both the mechanics of the rails and their engines and how they helped societies evolve. Not only do trains transport people and goods in an efficient manner, but they also reduce pollution and dependency upon oil. Zoellner also considers America's culture of ambivalence to mass transit, using the perpetually stalled line between Los Angeles and San Francisco as a case study in bureaucracy and public indifference. Train presents both an entertaining history of railway travel around the world while offering a serious and impassioned case for the future of train travel
Upsetting Composition Commonplaces
Ian Barnard
In Upsetting Composition Commonplaces, Ian Barnard argues that composition still retains the bulk of instructional practices that were used in the decades before poststructuralist theory discredited them. While acknowledging that some of the foundational insights of poststructuralist theory can be difficult to translate to the classroom, Barnard upends several especially intransigent tenets that continue to influence the teaching of writing and how students are encouraged to understand writing.
A Safeway in Arizona: What the Gabrielle Giffords Shooting Tells Us About the Grand Canyon State and Life in America
Tom Zoellner
This book is an account of the state of Arizona, seen through the lens of the Tucson shootings. On January 8, 2011, twenty-two-year-old Jared Lee Loughner opened fire at a Tucson meet-and-greet held by U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords. The incident left six people dead and eighteen injured, including Giffords, whom he shot in the head. The author, a fifth generation Arizonan and longtime friend of Giffords's and a field organizer on her Congressional campaign, uses the tragedy as a jumping-off point to expose the fault lines in Arizona's political and socioeconomic landscape that allowed this to happen. He discusses the harmful political rhetoric, the inept state government, the lingering effects of the housing market's boom and bust, the proliferation and accessibility of guns, the lack of established communities, and the hysteria surrounding issues of race and immigration. He offers a revealing portrait of the Southwestern state at a critical moment in history, and as a symbol of the nation's discontents and uncertainties. Ultimately, it is his rallying cry for a saner, more civil way of life.
Below you may find selected books and book chapters from English faculty in the Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.
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