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Biofeedback training for box breathing is becoming increasingly accessible due to advancements in consumer-grade breathing sensors. However, there is limited research on their design and applications for specialized populations. This study evaluates a novel biofeedback holographic game, EtherealBreathing, designed to support autistic children. In EtherealBreathing, children practice box breathing to collect virtual elements to maintain the Earth's balance, using a wearable sensor to measure chest expansion for breath detection. A deployment study with 20 autistic children revealed that EtherealBreathing effectively promotes box breathing, leading to better health-related outcomes, such as lowering participants’ heart and respiratory rates than traditional practices. Biofeedback games can be effective in the healthcare domain, reducing stress-related physiological variables like heart and respiratory rate.
Recommended Citation
A. M. Téllez, I. L. Hurtado, F. L. Cibrian and M. Tentori, "EtherealBreathing: A Holographic Biofeedback Game to Support Relaxation in Autistic Children," in IEEE Pervasive Computing,
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This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in IEEE Pervasive Computing in 2024 following peer review. This article may not exactly replicate the final published version. The definitive publisher-authenticated version is available online at