Foreword to <em>Transforming Teacher Education: What Went Wrong With Teacher Training and How We Can Fix It</em>

Foreword to Transforming Teacher Education: What Went Wrong With Teacher Training and How We Can Fix It


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"For decades, teacher education has weathered strategic assaults of reform from both the educational left and the right. Often the moral character of the country is reflected in the nature of the battles over public education and the education of its teachers. Teacher training has pointed to dispossessed children and society as its reasons for stunted growth, while society and families direct their dissatisfaction back on America's teachers. The casual observer would mistakenly diagnose these outlets as the sources of our educational maladies. But the critical observer understands “what went wrong in teacher training” has long roots; teacher education's demise is inextricably tied to the birth and purpose of public education. The continued corporate infiltration of education has negatively affected teacher education, and we are now facing a crisis of educational democracy."


978 1 57922 437 0

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Stylus Publishing


Sterling, VA


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research


In Valerie Hill-Jackson and Chance W. Lewis (Eds.), Transforming Teacher Education: What Went Wrong with Teacher Training, and How We Can Fix It. Dr. McLaren's chapter begins on page xi.


Stylus Publishing

Foreword to <em>Transforming Teacher Education: What Went Wrong With Teacher Training and How We Can Fix It</em>
